Reserve your space now

February 2025: £50 for 4 Mondays, £40 for 3 Wednesdays

week 1: Monday 3rd Feb and Wednesday 5th Feb

week 2: Monday 10th Feb and Wednesday 12th Feb

week 3: Monday 17th Feb and Wednesday 19th Feb

week 4: Monday only on 24th Feb (no Wednesday class)

New daytime class at Brixton Yoga (in Leamington) starting on Thursdays 12-1 from 6th March.

Both Monday and Wednesday classes run 6.30 to 7.45pm. It is usually possible to swap classes during any week within the block if you cannot attend your usual session, or to attend two in the same week if you miss one of the weeks.

The Monday class runs from Beyond the Bump, Unit 12, Squab Hall Farm, Leamington Cv33 9QB

The Wednesday class runs from Oak House, 87 Upper Holly Walk, Leamington CV32 4JS.

The new daytime Thursday 12-1pm class will run from 6th March at Brixton Yoga studio. 22 Binswood St, Leamington CV32 5RN.

Each block is run as a set block of a number of weeks pre-paid in advance to reserve your place. Once enrolled you can mix and match between the sessions and weeks during the block to get your money's worth.

If you are due or are scheduled to have your baby during the block then please it is usually possible to attend casually at £13 per class or to agree a sensible part payment up until you are due. If you are wishing to join in after the start of the block then please also get in touch as it may be possible to join and do a part payment. 

Please use my booking system to book your classes. I WILL NOT BE OFFERING REFUNDS OR CARRY OVERS SO PLEASE DON'T ASK - THANKS! If you miss the first few weeks of the block you may still be able to join later and pay pro-rata for the remainder of the block but please check with me first as there may not be space and I give priority to women wishing to book for the whole block. 

If you are joining these classes then I will also invite you ( a day or two before the classes start) to join a whatsapp group  for the pregnancy yoga with some more venue and parking information. if you would like to join once you have enrolled and haven't received an invite from me by the day the classes start then please WhatsApp me on 07981 769920 and I can add you in. 

Venue information

Monday class 6.30-7.45pm: Beyond the Bump, Unit 12, Squab Hall Farm, Leamington Cv33 9QB. More venue details and a site map on their website ( 'More' tab then 'Contact us and find us' on pull down menu)

Wednesday class 6.30-7.45pm: Oak House, 87 Upper Holly Walk, Leamington Cv32 4JS. The yoga will take place in the upstairs function room. There is on-site parking.

Tuesday class 10-11am: Brixton Yoga, 22 Binswood St, Leamington CV32 5RN.


Please bring your own mat if you prefer using your own and a couple of cushions if you can, If you need to borrow a mat on Wednesday evenings then just please let me know beforehand as I'll need to bring them with me.  

Please wear comfortable clothing such as leggings and T-shirt. An extra cover or jumper for the relaxation will help you to keep warm. 

Please turn off mobile phones during the yoga.

Looking forward to seeing you soon !


Pregnancy yoga from 14 weeks up to birth. These fun and enjoyable sessions are specially designed to be both safe and effective for pregnant women. Learn easy ways to alleviate common ailments, such as back ache, pelvic pain, indigestion and insomnia. In later pregnancy learn how yoga can help prepare you for labour and birth. 

I can show you how you can bring yoga into your everyday life so that you can enjoy a healthier and more vibrant pregnancy. The sessions allow you and your baby time to relax as well as to meet other pregnant women in a relaxed atmosphere. 

pregnancy yoga

What to Bring: Please bring a yoga mat and a couple of cushions or pillows. 

I do bring some spare equipment including yoga mats so just borrow what you need when you arrive. 

Pricing: £60 for six week block ( or £10 casual if you are due during the block). 

If you book online then cannot attend the class I am happy to carry it over to one more session of your choice within a 2 week time period from the missed class but after that a new payment will become due. Please note that I do not issue refunds if you find that you are unable to make up for your original missed session. 


I had never done yoga before but decided to try it when I was 15 weeks pregnant and absolutely loved Belinda's pregnancy yoga classes until 41st week of my pregnancy. It was very relaxing time which helped my changing body and aching back, but also helped me to prepare emotionally for birth. Not to mention amazing friendships with other to be mums and now mums!   


Definitely would recommend Belinda. She helped me through pregnancy and now through life as a new mum with her yoga practice. What an awesome lady. 

  • circle practice
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I would really recommend Belinda's classes, I attended from 18 weeks to 39 weeks and found it tremendously helpful. I found the physical side of the yoga along with the breathing and relaxation to each be important for during pregnancy and preparation for birth. I had my baby recently and the midwife commented that I clearly had a handle on my breathing, it was great and I truly believe without the techniques taught by Belinda I would have needed a lot more painkillers during labour! 

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