Book your class!

Latest news: Due to a family bereavement I am no longer able to run the evening class on Thursday 17th October. If you have already paid for the 6 sessions and cannot make the class another day, then please just pay £55 rather than £65 if you enrolling for the next block in October-December (bookings now open). If this doesn't work for you please contact me from w/c 14th October onwards to discuss options. Thanks.

Please book using this link:

From September, all my general adult yoga classes will run to the following timetable. Sadly the Friday class will no longer run but hoping you can attend the other sessions instead. 

Mondays 10.30am-12noon

Wednesdays 10-11.30am

Thursdays 7.30-9pm

September-October 2024 dates:

6 weeks at £65 from w/c 2nd September to w/c 21st October inclusive BUT NO CLASSES W/C SEPT 30TH OR W/C OCT 7TH as follows:

week 1 w/c 2nd September

week 2 w/c 9th September

week 3 w/c 16th September

week 4 w/c 23rd September

week 5 w/c 14th October

week 6 w/c 21st October


November-December 2024 dates:

6 weeks at £65 from w/c 4th November to w/c 9th December inclusive as follows:

week 1 w/c 4th November

week 2 w/c 11th November

week 3 w/c 18th November

week 4 w/c 25th November

week 5 w/c 2nd December

week 6 w/c 9th December

The cost structure will be as follows -please select the correct category to pay and amend the amount to pay yourself once you have chosen your option. If you are planning to attend more than one online class per week just select one of them. 

Six sessions during the six week block (either in person or online or a mixture): £65 Please select the class you are most likely to attend but you can switch around sessions if you need to to make up all the sessions. You can subsititute your in-person class for an online class at no extra cost, either the one you would normally attend or another one to make up but it need to be during the five week block. Please make sure you have the meeting IDs from the closed facebook group if you think this is likely. 

I don't offer carry overs or refunds to the next payment period if you can't make them all.  If you are wishing to attend more than one in person class per week then please do a separate booking for each class. I am no longer accepting cheques if you are paying in person in class. 

One in person or online casual class: £13 per class. If you are new to my classes please book your first class online so that I get your health details. You can amend the payment amount from the block fee to £13. After your first class you can continue to pay online or in cash. If you are unable to attend your pre-booked class, for example due to ill health, please let me know before the class. You can carry over the payment to another session within 2 weeks from the original booking but if it's later than that another payment is due. Please note that I won't issue a refund if you are unable to make up for your original missed session. 

If you are only wishing to attend online and have a health issue that may impact on your ability to do yoga then I will sugggest a 30 minute private session first at a cost of £30 (either online for face to face). 

If you wish to attend one in person class per week + unlimited online classes during the block period: £75

All the general yoga classes run from North Hall, Spencer Yard, Leamington CV31 3SY. Access to Spencer Yard is now from the car park area ( permit only or strictly drop-off/pick-up) or pedestrian access via alleys either side of recently renovated United Reformed Church on Spencer St. The classes are also live streamed so you can attend remotely via zoom or catch up via a weekly recording. 

The zoom links to attend the classes have been changed to the same link/meeting ID for every class  and are available on the facebook group - please just ask to join if you are not already a member as this is a lot easier for me than e mailing out the links individually but you can of course request the link if you are not in the group ( but please don't leave it until 2 minutes before the class starts!).

Please book online at least for your first session so that I have your details. Just click on this link. You can then carry on paying online or pay in class in cash or arrange to pay by bank transfer. The default amount on my booking system is set to the block fee so if you are paying for just one session you can change this amount yourself to £13. For the general yoga classes you cannot select a specific date if you are booking online for a single class so just select the block that you are booking within and let me know which class you are planning to attend. If you find that you are unable to attend the class that you booked for (for example due to ill health) you can transfer your original booking to another session of your choice within a 2 week period from your original booking, but after that a new payment is required. Please note that I do not give refunds if you are unable to make up for your original missed session. 

I will be continuing to livestream these classes as before,and will upload one recording per week to the facebook group. 

The closed facebook group is: where the links to the recordings will be available.  It's a closed group so please request to join if you are not already a member. This group will only be open to people who are currently attending or enrolled on my classes. 

Make sure you select the right option as each class has a 'normal' (in person) option as well as an online option because the in person classes will be livestreamed. 

Please be patient and bear with me whilst I live stream the in person yoga classes as I have a laptop in front of my mat and will occasionally have to attend to it to let people in, to adjust angle, to sort technical issues. Since everyone can potentially benefit from this facility please be patient with me.

For online yoga: Please join the yogaworks general yoga closed facebook group. If you are not already a member please ask me to invite you in. This makes it a lot easier for me to communicate with you and also for you to stay in touch with each other. I will be posting the links to the Zoom classes on this group and any changes. 

If you are new to yoga please contact me first before booking. You can attend a no commitment class then sign up afterwards if you would like to continue so contact me first and I can send you a health form to return to me before your first class as well as the link to the class you would like to trial . 

I will be aiming to post one recording per week of a full yoga session which you can access for a month to help with home practice or if you miss some of the live sessions. 

You wil need a Zoom meeting ID to join the classes. You can access these on the relevant facebook group or just e mail me and I can send them to you. PLEASE DON'T SHARE THE LINKS WITH ANYONE ELSE. 

Zoom is free for you to use. You will ideally need a laptop with a camera or a phone. A speaker can help you to hear me more easily. I will mute everyone once the class has started but you will have a chance to talk to me and others at the end if you wish. There is a chat facility too where you can type some comments/questions. 

If it's your first time using Zoom please test your equipment first. I start the session 10-15 minutes before the class start so you go into a waiting room then I can admit you. This gives you a chance to check that everything is working before the class starts. Please make every effort to join on time as it's quite distracting to admit people in when I am already teaching - but I do understand that equipment fails so will do my best to let you in. Sometimes internet connections go down so if you 'leave' the class whilst it's running again I will do my best to let you back in, but sometimes you may have to wait a few minutes. If you are having problems accessing please do text me on 07981 769920 - I can't answer calls after the class starts but I do try check my phone as people are arriving to see if anyone is having issues. 

Create a lovely calm space in your home where you won't be disturbed. Try to have as much space as possible around your mat. Ideally a wall and/or chair nearby. A belt or scarf as well as a couple of blocks would also be great. 


10:30am - 12:00pm 

The Space Upstairs, Spencer Yard


10:00 - 11:30am

The Space Upstairs, Spencer Yard


7:30 - 9:00pm

The Space Upstairs, Spencer Yard

What to bring: Most people bring their own yoga mat to the general yoga classes. There are spare mats. blocks and cushions at Spencer Yard that you are welcome to borrow but please bring your own equipment to the Thursday evening class. 

Ken - Friday Mornings

I’ve been going to general adult yoga classes with Belinda for nearly two years and have enjoyed every minute. She’s a great teacher, very in tune with the needs of individuals, and the classes are suitable for people of all ages and abilities. My flexibility, balance and core strength have improved enormously and I’ve found the focus on breathing and relaxation very beneficial. 

Lynda - Wednesday Mornings

Belinda has been my yoga teacher for over 7 years and I would recommend her yoga to beginners or the experienced looking for a new teacher, she offers satisfying classes to the young and old, fat or thin. Yoga is for everybody.    

Nigel - Monday Mornings

Having only taken up yoga a year ago as a 60 year old ‘sportsman’ whose body was feeling the aches pains and stiffness of age and wear and tear of old injuries, Belinda’s class has become a ‘must attend’ weekly session. My flexibility and core has really improved to the extent that I have taken up a new active sport, am cycling further and my full golf swing has reappeared ! Belinda is particularly conscious of old injuries and helps in their management. Great fun too!   

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