Hatha is a style of yoga which develops both flexibility and strength, among many other benefits. It includes a balance of breathing practices, physical postures and relaxation. The asanas are done relatively slowly and deeply, rather than moving fast from one to the next.
Many yoga classes in my experience are too hurried so I ensure there is time in mine to have some headspace and time out, and to experience each practice more deeply. This is also true of the relaxation as there is proper time for this in the session not just a brief 2 or 3 minutes. Our physiology changes for the better when we relax so this is a key and integral part of the yoga.
I am Belinda and have been offering a range of hatha yoga classes in the Leamington area for 25 years. My sessions are informal and beginners are welcome and can join in at any time.
The atmosphere in my classes is relaxed with people feeling able to rest longer or to work deeper if they wish. We also have plenty of laughs; yoga is a serious discipline with far reaching benefits yet my style is playful and exploratory.
General Yoga: Classes running from w/c 2nd September. Cost £65 for 6 sessions or £13 casual. Go to my general yoga class page for more details and to book.
Pregnancy Yoga: New block started from w/c 2nd September. You can join in later if there are spaces - please just get in touch with me to confirm the cost. Monday and Wednesday evenings 6.30-7.45pm at Naturally Baby, Unit 11 T1300, Plato Close CV34 6YB. If you are due during the block then you can make a payment for part of the block but please check with me first. Go to my pregnancy yoga class page for more details and to book.
Yoga for labour and birthing: next workshop Sunday 3rd November 10.30am-1.30pm. Cost £55 per couple. Ideal from 32 weeks+ to help prepare for labour and birth using tried and tested yoga practices for moving, breathing and relaxing. Beginners to yoga welcome, even if you have not been attending the pregnancy yoga it is completely fine to join this workshop. Go to my birthing sessions page for more details and to book.
Mother and baby yoga: New 4 session block started from w/c 2nd September £45 for 4 sessions. You can join in later if there are spaces - please get in touch with me to confirm the cost. These classes run on Tuesdays 12-1 with chat and cuppa untio 1.30pm.The venue for the classes is Cubbington Village Hall, Broadway, Leamington CV32 7JR. Go to my mother & baby yoga class page for more details and to book.
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