Menopause Yoga

First Friday of the month 12.30-2pm at Little Light Studio, Cubbington, 61 Kelvin Road, Leamington Spa, CV32 7TG

New monthly class. Taught by myself and Sian Gulliver, another experienced menopause teacher, on alternating months. These extended sessions will help soothe the many associated symptoms of all menopause stages. Class combines yoga postures, pranayama, relaxation techniques, discussions and advice. Refreshments provided.

June 7th:  first 90 minute class is taught by Sian - focussing on the feelings of anxiety and overwhelm. Please book this session directly with Sian at Little Light:

New date! Friday 6th September 12.30-2pm class taught by Belinda- focussing on enabling adaptability and resilience to help during the menopause. Book this class directly with me selecting 'menopause yoga' from the list of classes:

Further dates and session themes will be released soon.. 

All equipment at Little Light is provided and the room is all set up ready for your arrival.

If you prefer to use your own props, please bring a mat, a yoga bolster, blanket or two, eye pillow, blocks, a yoga brick and strap. Please note eye pillows are washed after each and every use.

Please arrive a couple of minutes before the class to get settled.

Little Light is a shoe free studio and would greatly appreciate your cooperation with this and with helping keep the studio free of any mobile or smart watch notifications.

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Yoga can help support you during your menopause

Menopause is a time of huge transformation for women which has the potential to bring a new perspective and enjoyment of life.  However, the journey for many women through this transition can be a difficult one which is where yoga can really help! You may be a complete beginner to yoga wanting to see what yoga can offer, or be an experienced yoga practitioner who may find your regular practice no longer suits or you wish to explore the additional benefits of menopause yoga. 

Yoga has been proven to help relieve some of the common disorders linked to the menopause such as hot flushes and mood swings, as well as a chance to strengthen the body and to relax and recharge. It can also help to have a chance to meet other women going through a similar stage of life. I have many years' experience facilitating women's circles and know the power of women coming together to support one another through our lifestages. 

The classes are designed for women in perimenopause (the years leading up to the menopause). Postmenopausal women are also welcome as many of the practices continue to be relevant and effective. 

What I can offer you

I am a tutor for Birthlight which is an accredited yoga training organsiation and teach on their menopause yoga module as part of the Well Woman diploma course. As well as my long experience teaching women's yoga both to teachers and students alike, I have also used my yoga practice to great effect during my own menopausal transition. Every woman's individual journey is unique but there are many commonalities which yoga is well placed to help with.

I love creating a welcoming space where you can feel safe and nurtured, and offering creative and enjoyable adaptations of yoga practices that are accessible to all, no matter your level of experience or flexibility. I often use props such as the wall and chairs to make the practices easy and fun to do, and to help you find ways to bring the yoga into everyday life. 

Please join me to find out more.